I've been feeling a little doldrum-y lately with a drawing that is just not working. I reminded myself that I haven't been doing my morning pages, that is, as advised by Julia Cameron in her 1992 book, The Artists Way, to write three pages, every morning, before I do anything else. I've been doing that faithfully for years and it pays off, in clarity of mind and the ideas that come readily. So why have I stopped?

Russell needs an early walk. But he's growing up and learning his manners and it's time to get back into my routine and so I resolve, as a late New Year resolution to get back to the pages. You heard it here--I promise.
I've started a new drawing, calling on Audubon for inspiration. Yes, I know, we're not speaking his name because he owned slaves, but it's the old dilemma. Can you love the work while disapproving of the artist?
One thing I don't give up even in the doldrums is making collages in my appointment book. Here are some of my latest.

I can tell we're getting to the end of the year because my book is filling up. It's almost time to order a new one and start over again.
Coming up on yet another rainy Saturday, as the forecast says, I just have to feel grateful for how lush the lawns and gardens in my neighborhood are looking. Pretty soon my favorite trees, the honey locusts will turn golden. I'll write about it in my morning pages and then take Russell to take a look.
October 05, 2023