A few weeks ago I decided to stop listening to NPR on my earbuds as I walk in the city so I can be more aware and intentional. Here are some things I've found; this sign on 13th Street.

"Truth is one, paths are many. Stick to the path, but do not say to others this is the only one."
Well, with apologies to my evangelist great-grandfather, Exactly. I was told as a child about the noble missionaries who travelled to distant lands to bring the Word to the people. the people courteously said, "Yes, we will worship your god with our gods." The missionaries said, "NO, you have to give up your gods." Even at eight I found that to be quite rude. I may be struck by lightning now so please keep me in your prayers.
Then I got to the Y to be greeted by these words.

"When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return. You should give a good thought to the happiness you can give out." Eleanor Roosevelt
You can always count on Eleanor. I read, I think in Franklin and Eleanor by Joseph P. Lash, that she gave birth to five children in the first six or seven years of their marriage. The only means she had of stopping or just slowing down the births was to kick Franklin out of her bed. I can't imagine how much more they could have achieved in their lives but maybe they could have been happier with a little family planning. Franklin might have lived longer.
On my way home I saw this tete a tete.

The new show at First Presbyterian Church, titled Imaginarium, opened last Sunday to great acclaim and celebration. Congratulations and thanks to the three curators, Sandra Taggart, Aveni Patel and Darcy Spitz of the New York Artists Circle for a beautiful job. The show will continue til April 28 at 12 West 12th Street; I hope you'll go see it.

Here's my contribution. This is from a series inspired from my grandmother's comment,
"Did you hear Tommy John got traded to the Angels?" So--is there Baseball in Heaven?

I've been upset with the weather lately, not that the weather cares. We had a few lovely spring days that made me put away my winter things but this week we're back in the thirties and it feels colder now than it did in January.

Oy vey, but it's March, so what did I expect? In Yesterday's NY Times, Bret Stephens ended his Op-Ed page dialogue with Gail Collins with Emily Dickinson's greeting to March.
Emily Dickinson 1830 –1886
Dear March—Come in—
How glad I am—
I hoped for you before—
Put down your Hat—
You must have walked—
How out of Breath you are—
Dear March, how are you, and the Rest—
Did you leave Nature well—
Oh March, Come right upstairs with me—
I have so much to tell—
And last, here's what's on my drawing table today. Do you see progress? I guess there won't be a whale; it just didn't happen. maybe next time. Have a great weekend.
